About the program


The Languages without Borders program (Idiomas sem Fronteiras, in Portuguese) was developed by the Brazilian Ministry of Education through the National Secretariat of Higher Education (SESu) in conjunction with the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). Its main goal is to promote linguistic politics actions to internationalization of the Higher Education in Brazil, valuing the specialized degree of professors who teach foreign languages.

The LwB seeks to offer language courses and provide Brazilian students with opportunities of access to foreign universities in countries where higher education is taught fully or partially in a foreign language.  About the professors, the program offers teaching residences to foreign language educators in initial or continuing education, capacitating them to the internationalization. The program also impacts the Brazilian university communities as they receive an ever increasing number of international students and professors on their campuses. This scenario can lead to a broad, structural change in the teaching of foreign languages in Brazilian universities.

In order to meet this demand, the program provides distance learning and classroom language courses, as well as access to language proficiency tests.


Further information:


Ordinance no. 973, of 14 November 2014 – creates the Languages without Borders Program (in Portuguese)
http://isf.mec.gov.br/ – Official Website