Registrations for the TOEFL ITP test taking place next Saturday are open until 5 October
Registrations for the TOEFL ITP test that will take place on 08 October, at 9:30 am, are open until next Wednesday. Those interested in taking the test must access the Languages without Borders website to register.
Test scores must be check online between 30 and 60 days after the test is taken, and the certificates will be available in the English without Borders’ office at UFSC. Participants will be informed as soon as the certificates are made available, usually between 60 and 90 days after the test.
We remind that registration for the TOEFL test at UFSC is only allowed for: UFSC staff members (working for over 6 months in the institution), regularly enrolled undergraduate and graduate students, ProUni (Programa Universidade para Todos) students, and civil servers from state universities.
In case of doubts, contact us by e-mail: or telephone: +55 48 3721 6222.