- Familiarization course with the Celpe-Bras exam (Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12:30 to 13h50, Intermediate level B1, duration 01/07/2019 to 23/08/2019).
- Course reading and production of texts in Portuguese language (Tuesday and Thursday from 14h to 16h, pre-Intermediate level A2, duration 02/07/2019 to 22/07/2019).
- Course of aspects of the Brazilian language and culture (Tuesday and Thursday from 16h to 18h, basic level A1, duration 02/07/2019 to 22/07/2019)
Registration period: 05 to 19 June
How to subscribe:
Students and Intergraduates at UFSC: http://isfaluno.mec.gov.br or by the lsF application.
Immigrants: Sending message to psf.ufsc@gmail.com.
Please be advised that on the day 30 May 2019 the NUCLI will remain closed, adhering to the national day of shutdown.
Please be advised that on the day 15 May 2019 the NUCLI will remain closed, adhering to the national day of shutdown.
They were approved in the selection process:
1-João Luiz Coelho
2-Pedro Ricardo Bin
3-Felipe Ferreira Lara Rodrigues
The IsF informs that the problem with the insights that the students were experiencing on the site http://isfaluno.mec.gov.br has already been solved, in case of problems inform us by e-mail: isf.ufsc@gmail.com
Follow the link with the result of the didactic test held on 05/02/2019 at the NUCLI / ISF:
The vacancies are open for the 10 free English courses lasting 32 hours / class at UFSC. Registration made exclusively on the site: http://isfaluno.mec.gov.br
1 - To be a student or a server of UFSC
2 - Have done the leveling by My English Online (MEO) or have a valid TOEFL test with score of at least 337 points.
The vacancies are open for the 02 free French courses lasting 16 hours / class at UFSC. Registration made exclusively on the site: http://isfaluno.mec.gov.br/
1 - To be a student or a server of UFSC
The General Coordinator of the Languages Without Borders Program (IsF) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Professor Sergio Romanelli, in the use of his legal attributions, announces the call for a Simplified Selective Process for the hiring of a scholarship professor at the
Language Center of the program Languages without Borders (NucLi-IsF).
Edital 11 SINTER 2019 Selecao_de_Bolsistas_IsF FRANCES
We inform you of the sequence of the didactic tests, and the candidates must bring a lesson plan in English (the bank does not interact with the candidate during the exhibition):
May 02 at Nucli:
10:30 – Pedro Ricardo Bin
Drawn Theme – Number 2 – Reading: strategies
11:00 – Felipe Ferreira Lara Rodrigues
Drawn Theme – Number 1 – Oral production: academic interactions
11:30 – João Luiz Coelho
Drawn Theme – Number 3 – Writing production: paragraphs
12:00 – Felippe Sangreman
Drawn Theme – Number 4 – Writing compreension: abstracts